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Therapeutic Yoga
Somatic Healing

…with an emphasis on mental and emotional wellness

“Somatics” is an umbrella term that refers to practices or fields of study that focus primarily on the body — not just on the body as an object, but on the body and its dynamic connection to what is inside and outside of it – specifically, our experience of and with our body. Somatic practices may or may not include movement, but they always involve some way of connecting, with awareness, to the body, and ultimately finding alignment of mind and body – of ALL parts of ourself.


Yoga Therapy is the practice of providing clear, tender, non-judgmental, loving presence to people seeking more balance, stability and integration in their lives.

It is supported & informed by the therapeutic practitioner’s in-depth experience with an array of yogic tools.

Some of the tools yoga therapists use:

  • restorative postures
  • breath practices
  • mindfulness
  • balancing emotions
  • physical movement
  • philosophy
  • spiritual perspectives
  • values clarification
  • nervous-system regulation
  • awareness